
‘We must view young people not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to be lit.’ 
Robert H. Shaffer

At Oughtrington assemblies form a valuable part of the school day, coming together as a whole school, as a Key Stage, in year groups or as a class allows for collective worship, celebration and reflection time. We have a variety of assemblies through the week (outlined below) and though they have different purposes, each one in line with statutory guidelines, are ‘“wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.” 

  • Praise Assembly- Celebrating achievements at school and outside of school. A Star of the Week is awarded from each class.
  • Music Assembly- Joining together as a Key Stage to appreciate music, with seasonal songs relevant to Key Stage and time of year.
  • Key Stage, Year Group and Class Assemblies- A chance to come together as a Key Stage/Year Group/Class for reflection time, discussion of current affairs, all with a focus on our whole school value for the half term.

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