School Council

Here at Oughtrington we have a school council which comprises of pupils representing their year group from years 3-6. This involves pupils voicing their opinions from their peers and bringing forward ideas around improving the school and their working enviornment. The school council also lead groups of children who are interested in a particular improvement for the school. This enables a greater number of children from the school to feel more involved in making Oughtrington even greater!

This year the school council have been in contact with the local residents about Bonfire Night and organised ways to make the roads around school safer. The school coucil has also gathered pupil voice about the school's behaviour systems that will be fedback to the Headteacher. Over the festive period, the school council have organised an Elf exchange and a Christmas jumper exchange. This will support the community during the current cost of living crisis and enables outfits to be recycled. 

The school council are very excited to spend a day at the Houses of Parliament in January. The children will get a guided tour and take part in a workshop about democracy. They are keen to discuss ideas and implement actions that will lead to a greater environmental impact in school, as well as continuing to support fundraising opportunities for the school and charities.


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