Growth Mindset

At Oughtrington Community Primary School, we know that children who have a positive attitude towards their learning will go on to make good progress and become more resilient. That is why instilling all of our pupils with a growth mindset has become one of our key priorities. Using Carol Dweck’s techniques, we provide enriching, challenging and meaningful experiences that encourage our pupils to become more resilient across all subjects of the curriculum.

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Our belief is that we should learn, explore and grow together. Through a growth mindset, we want all children at Oughtrington to:

  • Relish challenges and take risks
  • Embrace, learn and celebrate their mistakes
  • Value the importance of effort – we don’t give up!
  • Respond carefully to feedback
  • Take inspiration from others, learning collaboratively
  • Exercise our brains like muscles that are always getting stronger
  • Believe in the power of YET

This will help them to achieve, not only with us, but also in their future lives. We know that in order to fulfil the potential of our pupils, we as a team of parents and staff need to be modelling the growth mindset of a learner for success both at school and at home.


How do we promote growth mindset in Oughtrington Community Primary School?

The teaching of Growth Mindset begins by following our school’s 9 step programme. Through this, staff here at Oughtrington model, develop and instil an understanding of growth mindset for children across all subjects of the curriculum.


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Throughout the school, we recognise and celebrate a child’s growth mindset by awarding them in different ways. This could be verbally through discussions and feedback, virtually via Class Dojo or praising correctly with stickers and certificates.

Furthermore, we develop a growth mindset by having a different focus for each half term, linked to our school values. This is to support the development of the whole child. Our values are:







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Further resources linked to Growth Mindset

Please look at the links below to help us foster a sense of Growth Mindset in your child:


Your Fantastic Elastic Brain

This innovative and timely picture book teaches children that they have the ability to stretch and grow their own brains. It also delivers the crucial message that mistakes are an essential part of learning. The book introduces children to the anatomy and various functions of the brain in a fun and engaging way.


The Girl Who NEVER Made Mistakes!



Mindset in the classroom: Building a culture of Success and Student achievement in Schools. By Mary Cay Ricci

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

Mindset: Drive the Power of Habit from A Fixed Mindset to A Growth Mindset [Kindle Edition]

Anna L. Matthews

Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential by Dweck, Carol (2012)

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain Hardcover – December 13, 2010, by JoAnn Deak Ph.D. (Author), Sarah Ackerley (Illustrator)


Carol Dweck: The Effect of Praise on Mindsets

Growth Mindset explained for children:

How Parents can instill Growth Mindset at home:



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